var cfg = { dhx_rel_path: '' } /* (c) DHTMLX Ltd, 2011 Licensing: You allowed to use this component for free under GPL or you need to obtain Commercial/Enterprise license to use it in non-GPL project Contact: */ function source_loader(filename, type, callback) { type = type || "js"; switch (type) { case "js": var source = document.createElement('script'); source.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); source.setAttribute("src", filename); break; case "css": var source = document.createElement("link"); source.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); source.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); source.setAttribute("href", filename); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(source); break; default: //do nothing break; } if (callback) { if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1){ source.onreadystatechange = function() { if ((this.readyState == 'complete')||(this.readyState == 'loaded')) { callback(); } }; } else source.onload = callback; } document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(source); return source; } /*! DEPENDS */ var depends = { js: [ 'spreadsheet.php?load=js' ], css: [ 'dhtmlx_core.css', 'dhtmlxspreadsheet.css' ] }; if ( === 'dhx_web') { depends.css.push('dhtmlxspreadsheet_dhx_web.css'); depends.css.push('skins/dhtmlxgrid_dhx_web.css'); depends.css.push('skins/dhtmlxtoolbar_dhx_web.css'); } for (var i = 0; i < depends.js.length; i++) source_loader(window.cfg['dhx_rel_path'] + depends.js[i], 'js', onload_func); for (var i = 0; i < depends.css.length; i++) source_loader(window.cfg['dhx_rel_path'] + depends.css[i], 'css'); /*! INITIALIZATION */ var dhx_sh; function onload_func() { window.setTimeout(function() { dhx_sh = new window.dhtmlxSpreadSheet({ load: window.cfg.load || window.cfg['dhx_rel_path'] + "php/data.php", save: || window.cfg['dhx_rel_path'] + "php/data.php", parent: window.cfg.parent || null, icons_path: window.cfg['dhx_rel_path'] + "imgs/icons/", image_path: window.cfg['dhx_rel_path'] + "imgs/", skin: || 'dhx_skyblue', autowidth: typeof(window.cfg.autowidth) !== 'undefined' ? window.cfg.autowidth : false, autoheight: typeof(window.cfg.autoheight) !== 'undefined' ? window.cfg.autoheight : false, math: typeof(window.cfg.math) !== 'undefined' ? window.cfg.math : false }); dhx_sh.load(window.cfg.sheet||"1", window.cfg.key||null); }, 1); }